
Languages August Wrap up

Languages Day: A Cultural Journey for Year 7 Students.

Languages Day, held on Monday, 12 August 2024, provided Year 7 students with a vibrant and engaging introduction to French and Italian culture. The event was designed to showcase the practical applications and lifestyle connections that language learning can offer, helping students to make informed decisions about their studies for the upcoming year.

The day began with a Languages Talk, where students explored the benefits of learning a second language. Students discovered how learning a new language not only enhances cognitive abilities but also broadens cultural understanding and offers a competitive edge in the global job market. The talk highlighted how proficiency in languages like French and Italian can open doors in various fields, from international relations to travel and hospitality.

To bring these cultures to life, students participated in an Italian Dance Incursion. The performance was both educational and entertaining, with students joining in to experience the joy and energy of traditional Italian dance. Physical activity was also a key part of the day, as students took part in a French Sports Incursion. Led entirely in French, the session allowed students to apply the language in a real-world context, bridging the gap between classroom learning and everyday usage.

No cultural day is complete without indulging in the local cuisine. During Languages Day, students were treated to crepes and gelato, offering a delicious taste of French and Italian flavours — showcasing how language learning also encompasses the appreciation of cultural traditions and food.

Languages Day is a reminder that learning French and Italian is more than just studying words and grammar — it’s about embracing a way of life. By experiencing these cultures firsthand through dance, sports, and food, students gained a deeper appreciation for the languages they may choose to study.

A big thank you goes out to the presenters, teachers, and students whose enthusiasm and participation made the day a resounding success. The collaborative efforts showcased the strength of the community at De La Salle College and underscores the importance of cultural education.

French Trivia Night: Year 9 Students Take on the Challenge

On Friday, 9 August 2024, four dedicated Year 9 students from De La Salle College attended the French Trivia Night at Sacré Cœur. The event brought together students from multiple schools to compete in a fun and intellectually stimulating evening.

The trivia competition covered a wide range of topics, including the Paris Olympics, French geography, history, gastronomy, and Francophonie. This diverse array of questions tested not just knowledge of the French language but also an understanding of French culture, history, and modern-day France.

One of the highlights of the evening was the opportunity for students to work alongside peers from other schools. The collaborative nature of the event fosters real world connections, as students exchanged ideas and perspectives, all while the while testing their knowledge of French language.

Participating in events like French Trivia Night helps students see how language skills apply outside of a classroom setting. It’s one thing to study a language, but another to engage with it in a competitive, real-world scenario. These experiences help reinforce the importance of learning languages as a tool for broader communication and cultural exchange.

Although our students didn’t take home the top prize, their participation was a win in itself. As these Year 9 students continue their language education, experiences like this will be invaluable in shaping their understanding for all things blue, white and red.

Restaurant Excursions

Early in August, our combined VCE Italian class visited Made in Casa, a traditional Italian restaurant. The senior students are currently preparing for their upcoming SAC on La dieta Mediterranea, focusing on its history, Ancel Keys, and its distinction as the only diet endorsed by UNESCO. Valerio Violetti, the chef and owner, is a native Italian who engaged our students in an extensive discussion in Italian about the Mediterranean diet. He elaborated on its benefits and how his dishes embody this eating philosophy. Here are some comments from the students:

“Venerdi’ scorso siamo andati al ristorante per vivere un’esperienza italiana, perche’ stiamo studiando la dieta mediterranea in classe.”

“Last Friday we went to the restaurant to experience Italian cuisine because we are studying the Mediterranean diet in class.”

– Joshua Henderson

“Non dimentichero’ questa meravigliosa esperienza.”  
“I will not forget this wonderful experience.”

– Jonathan Paola

“Abbiamo pranzato con piatti della tradizione italiana. Valerio Violetti, il numero uno dei pizzaioli australiani, ci ha parlato dell’uso della qualità e della freschezza di tutti gli ingredienti. Ha dichiarato di utilizzare solo la migliore qualità. Tutta la pasta è fatta a mano dalla moglie Annapaola. Valerio ha anche detto che la dieta mediterranea è la dieta più equilibrata al mondo, grazie alla grande quantità di ingredienti.”  

“We had lunch with traditional Italian dishes. Valerio Violetti, the number one pizza maker in Australia, talked to us about the quality and freshness of all the ingredients. He stated that he only uses the best quality. All the pasta is handmade by his wife Annapaola. Valerio also mentioned that the Mediterranean diet is the most balanced diet in the world, thanks to the great variety of ingredients.”

Francesco Cuscuna

“Valerio, il proprietario, ha condotto la classe in un’approfondita discussione sulle origini della dieta mediterranea.” 

“Valerio, the owner, led the class in an in-depth discussion about the origins of the Mediterranean diet.”

– Julian Marolda

“Mi è piaciuto passare del tempo con tutti, imparando a conoscere il mio patrimonio.”  

“I enjoyed spending time with everyone, learning about my heritage.”

Christian Persichelli

“Nel complesso, penso che sia stata non solo una buona esperienza di apprendimento, ma anche una buona esperienza sociale.”  

“Overall, I think it was not only a good learning experience but also a good social experience.”

– Luca D’Angelo

“Venerdì scorso è stata un’esperienza culturale e un momento di divertimento con i miei compagni di classe. Il proprietario del ristorante Made in Casa, Valerio, è venuto a parlarci di quello che stavamo mangiando e di come si collegasse al nostro argomento, la Dieta Mediterranea. Abbiamo mangiato arancini, focacce, pizza e salumi e formaggi. Ci siamo divertiti tutti durante l’escursione.”

“Last Friday was a cultural experience and a fun time with my classmates. The owner of the restaurant Made in Casa, Valerio, came to talk to us about what we were eating and how it related to our topic, the Mediterranean Diet. We ate arancini, focaccia, pizza, and various cured meats and cheeses. We all had fun during the outing.”

– Nicholas Cifone

On Friday 2 August, the Year 11 and 12 French class were treated to an authentic three-course meal at French-Belgian restaurant as part our VCE French studies in gastronomy. Before indulging in our meal, we each had the unique opportunity to tour the restaurant’s kitchen and converse with the restaurant owners about their passion for French and Belgian cuisine and their journey in restaurant ownership – all in French, bien sûr !

We all started our meal with ‘escargots au beurre à l’ail’ (snails in garlic butter), which surprised many of us with its interesting and unique taste. For the main course, many of us enjoyed the ‘carbonnade de boeuf’ (The Flemish version of Beef Bourguignon), which impressed with its hearty and rich Belgian flavours. Dessert, of course, was a choice of two French classics, ‘crème brûlée’ and ‘mousse au chocolat’.

It was a fantastic cultural experience from which we gained a greater appreciation for French and Belgian cuisine, while also improving our French skills with native speakers. Overall, the experience was incredibly enriching, giving us a deeper understanding and connection to the culinary traditions of the French-speaking world that we had studied in class.

Thank you to Mr Yep for this unique opportunity!

– Joey Valcanas (Year 12)